The ‘Kneipenabend’ (pub night) is a meeting place for refugees from Bonn and the surrounding area and people interested to support them. It is the opportunity once a month for refugees to meet and network together, and to be in contact with people who want to stand up for their interests. Unlike the open consultation for refugees in Duisdorf which is about practical support on individual issues, this is the chance to relax and share together while enjoying table football, music and cold drinks. Info:
This time we start the evening for english-speaking persons with a short presentation as described below:
Refugees in Bonn: Information Evening Wednesday April 9, 19:00 Are you interested to know the situation of refugees in Bonn? Either for personal interest or to get involved? There has been a lot of coverage lately that Bonn will be opening its doors to hundreds of Syrian and other refugees later this year, resettled from refugee camps and surrounding countries. Meanwhile, there are around 450 refugees currently living in Bonn. These are mainly asylum seekers, living in limbo unable to work while they await a decision on whether they will be allowed to stay in Germany. Their living situation and daily lives in Bonn are often quite difficult. Refugees Welcome Bonn e.V. is a small group dedicated to providing practical support to refugees living in Bonn. Come to find out more about refugees in Bonn and the work of Refugees Welcome at an English-language information session on Wednesday, April 9 at 19:00 at Kult 41, Hochstadenring 41, 53119 Bonn. The presentation will be followed by Refugees Welcome’s monthly social gathering and pub night. If you are interested in attending, please confirm your attendance to:
Der Kneipenabend ist als Treffpunkt für Geflüchtete in Bonn und Umgebung sowie für Menschen, die an deren Unterstützung interessiert sind, geplant. Einmal im Monat soll Gelegenheit zur Vernetzung der Geflüchteten untereinander gegeben werden. Auch soll der Kontakt zwischen ihnen und Menschen, die sich für ihre Belange einsetzen möchten, hergestellt werden. Anders als etwa bei der offenen Sprechstunde in Duisdorf, bei der es um konkrete und unmittelbare Unterstützung in Einzelfragen geht, steht hierbei das gemeinsame Entspannen und der gegenseitige Austausch bei Kicker, Musik und dem Genuss von Kaltgetränken im Vordergrund.